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Old 04-28-2008, 02:50 PM   #57 (permalink)
Miltamec Soundsquinaez
Aural melody discerner
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I also enjoyed both because of the refreshingly honest dialogue:
In Knocked Up-
Leslie Mann to her husband played by Paul Rudd, who doesn't quite share the same level of concern as her for the number of child molesters residing in their local area:
"You are such a f*cking *sshole,"
Ha, it rings true of the way that couples talk today. However, it isn't just the dialogue, it's the acting.
In some movies you might see a woman say that to her husband in a particularly tension filled scene, and then the husband might get up, very angrily, and start yelling back at the wife. Not in Knocked Up however, they show that people can be very mean spirited towards each other without being so hostile or even batting an eyelash.

In Superbad-
Bill Hader's cop character is responding to a call about an underage party
"Car 98 on it",
puts mic down, muttering,
"stupid f*cking whore,"
and both guys break into laughter
It's so true that you would see guys acting that way in real life, but never acting that way in movies. That's what I love about Judd Apatow's comedies, he's not afraid to be honest, even if it means exploring otherwise decent people in ugly moments.
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