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Old 06-16-2008, 08:03 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Cool answering questions with more questions

Perhaps Christianity is targeted because it IS the largest world religion with close to 2.5 million members.

But as a Christian myself (Catholic by denomination...don't bite me, heh) I question how many people are ACTIVE Christians. Just because someone is raised Christian and identifies with the beliefs of Christianity doesn't necessarily mean they live by the bible. For instance I haven't been to Church in AT LEAST 6 or 7 years.

For me my religion is not a literal interpretation of the tales of the bible, I don't live by every rule it dictates. I just see the religion as a set of examples of how to be a better person. Do I agree with everything? No. But it is the system of values that I agree with the most. If I could edit the religion and create my own I would...but it would probably be considered a cult and they'd think I was crazy. Do I know if Jesus existed? It's possible but who the hell knows. There was a time where I believed in nothing but events in my life have given me faith, as corny as it sounds.

So I guess you might consider me secular. It is impossible to blame the actions of a few powerful fanatics on 2.5 million members. To say religion does more harm than good is a strange assumption considering there are people who do a great deal of good in the name of religion. Like I said, there are a few powerful fanatics who tend take things way to far, but these exist in every religion.

Shall we also consider there are a great many evils committed which are anti-religion, for instance the Holocaust. This crime against humanity was perpetrated by an group which showed no loyalty to any particular religion.

Also, check this out. According to a website MB will not let me post the hyper link to (pm me if you want it!), Atheists are the 3rd largest "religious group" and if we are judging how much good any group has done shall we examine what non-religious people offer to the world as well. The larger the group, the more influence so Atheists -- start influencing! As a former Atheist and self-proclaimed secular humanist myself I know you all are intelligent and have great ideas of how to improve society it is just that sometimes these secular groups lack the unity in order to create great changes.

I guess the point of my long-winded nonsensical post was that the sooner we stop separating and judging people by their religious affiliations the sooner we can create a society that is better for everybody to live in. Nobody is more wrong or right or entitled to their opinion than anybody else.

And I think it is interesting that the movie you cited, claims astrology is the basis of Judaeo-Christian faith. Most religions are. I consider astrology valid because it considers the movements of the sun and the Earth. Now that's cool. Talk about intelligent design, lol.
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