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Old 07-08-2008, 09:28 AM   #76 (permalink)
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This thread has gone from a fruitful exchange of ideas, making people analyze their beliefs and refine them to a pissing match bemoaning why the system hasn’t handed you perfect candidates. If anything that’s weak.

Politics is not for the weak at all. To hang in their day after day, for a cause you think is good (despite what you think) while the media, opponents and constituents rip you to shreds is harder than you could possibly imagine. If you had to bring together a country as divided as the states are right now, you’d do what it takes too. Lying, as Strauss once wrote, can be highly noble. It was once said that the administration knew of the Pearl Harbor plans and let it happen to convince the country WWII was a needed action to address. Would you have preferred us to stay isolated?

People see the system for all its flaws, for everything they don’t have and they give up, like a child expecting to be handed things by their mother and when it isn’t, the go pout. The world is ugly friends, and the machines and levels that run are by proxy also ugly, but someone needs to do the dirty work. And when they do what they must to achieve and end, we look at them and we chastise them for a job we could not do, and a task we’d never take.

Maybe I’m a fan boi, and so my opinion shouldn’t count but I’ve worked on two campaigns now, I’m looking at a third this fall, and the cushy offices and kickbacks you read about in papers and see in films never manage to show the godless campaigning these people have to do, knocking on doors of people their trying to help, never knowing if this will be the house that got screwed by your policies and screams at you. They never show the 5 seconds you have from that door to the next where you have to pick yourself back up because for the next person, you’re the only hope they have left that someone might allot them the money to get medicine for the kids and pay the rent. That keeps the jobs in our hands and not the beaten children of the third world.

Maybe you don’t like politics and maybe it isn’t for you. But don’t tell me how it is. Some people see the flaws and try to fix them, and some just quit. For me I understand that the risks of giving up are too grave to ever turn my back on those who day in and day out can’t tell where life will take them.
For every story of greedy and lust that comes out, there are countless politicians and the state and municipal level that wake up every day for everyone else. They don’t get any air time because you’d be uninterested. But their out there, and they could use one less kick once in awhile.
I've moved to a new address

Last edited by TheBig3; 07-08-2008 at 10:39 AM.
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