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Old 07-22-2008, 09:34 AM   #126 (permalink)
Double X
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Originally Posted by JayJamJah View Post
So if rich people are given money they won't work hard, but if poor people are given money they will?

I know you don't think that, but do you see what I mean. Endless hand outs take away motivation. Endless handouts (i.e welfare, rent control, those who abuse unemployment etc) take away motivation. Endless handouts are the socialist solution.

I would rather leave it up to the private citizens like you and I'd like to think my self who are willing to sacrifice what they can to help those less fortunate. Don't force people to do it, especially when there are no results to show for their efforts.

I love where your heart is, I am only arguing the best way to accomplish what we both want.
That's the problem - I know it's not morally right to 'steal' other peoples property and give them to less fortunate people but I still see the insanely wide gap between the few rich and the poor masses and they don't donate nearly as much as they could.

And I don't want endless handouts, I want more money to give direction (ie welfare checks only if you actually have a job with at least 28 hours a week, private counselors who work with these people to get them off their feer, not a closed window that poops checks).

Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
The fact is that I don't see how you should have the authority over someone else's property who doesn't want you to. It would be like me coming over to your house and taking your computer because I want to give it to someone else. While that doesn't perfectly match up because the rich could just buy a new one, rich people are quite stingy and do not want other hands on there money. Therefore, I don't think we are morally right and taking there money, whatever the cause. It is kind of like respecting a culture when you go to another country. You want to do something they are doing, but it is a matter of respect.
I can't bear myself to let that happen. When the richer are just hoarding their money it seems so much worse than raising taxes so we actually do stuff with that money.
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