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Old 08-27-2008, 09:55 AM   #759 (permalink)
down the rabbit hole
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: the mountain called monkey
Posts: 764

1) Album you wish you had made?

For obvious reasons (best album ever, 2nd highest grossing album ever, most famous album ever, artistically beautiful) Dark Side of the Moon, but since thats kinda lame I will pick something a little more unique. Lets go with either Deloused In The Comatorium or Relationships of Command, both of those albums are exactly what I wish I could create music like.

2) What was your first job and what is your job now?

I currently work as a Petroleum Engineer for an international counsulting firm. My first job was Jiffy Lube Technician ( aka grease monkey ) for 3 summers in high school. Just a mere 103 degrees ( 40 degrees for.. well just about everyone else ) wearing a full black jumpsuit changing burning hot oil for a quarter above minimum wage. I may be a white collar now, but nobody can ever tell me I dont know what its like to work **** jobs.

3) Your idea of a perfect weekend?

As much as I love festivals, they are perfect because they only happen every once and a while. To me a perfect weekend involves at least one instance of all the following: fine dining with good people, a film that opens my mind, live music that blows me away, and some good ole sexin with my woman.

4) Would you rather have all 150 Pokemon at your disposal, or have the force from Star Wars?

Seriously? The force is limitless power, you could collapse 150 pokemon into a inch cube if you wanted. I would even take just the telekenisis part of the force over 150 pokemon. Think of the possibilities.... *mind wanders into a dirty place*

5) The lamest MB user? (excluding me)

I am with Jackhammer on this one. For consilation, the other 75% of you are worth it.

6) Have a dinosaur that you could ride around on, or a dinosaur that could talk, but was too dignified to let you ride it?

Definetly a dinosaur that could talk... think of how much money you could make off that son of a bitch! JK, but either would be totally awesome though. I dont think there is one person who wouldnt want a pet named 'dino'
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