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Old 09-29-2008, 03:22 PM   #2 (permalink)
The Unfan
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Methville
Posts: 2,116

What are your favourite genres of music? Who are your favourite bands/artists?
I'm pretty eclectic so picking favorites doesn't seem to work.

How many concerts do you attend per year?
Depends on my wallet, but usually as often as I can.

Where/How do you find out about concerts?
Usually the internet.

For what reasons do you decide to attend a concert? What are the most important things that you consider in deciding to attend a concert?
The music, and usually nothing but the music. However, if an artist has particularly good stage presence that can help. However, good stage presence won't make bad music enjoyable.

Where/How do you purchase tickets?
Typically through whatever retailer sells tickets. Its usually Ticket Master.

Have you ever entered contests to win tickets to a concert? If so, what did you do to win the tickets? What would you do to win tickets?
Yeah but it was only a call in and being the right caller number. I don't know how far I'd go to win tickets, it would depend on the band.

What other activities do you do on the day of the concert (ie go out to dinner before the concert etc)?
Nothing special.

Do you purchase tour merchandise? If so, what do you buy and where do you buy it?
Usually not. Money is a bit tight on my end.

Would you be interested in personalized tour memorabilia? For example, would you be interested in having your photograph taken at the concert and sent to you, or put on a t-shirt or on other merchandise? If so, what type of merchandise would interest you most?

I'm straight but I'd kill for a picture of me sucking Lemmy Kilmeister off.

Do you purchase food or beverages in the venue? What kind?
If I'm thirsty I'll get water.

Do you belong to any official artist fan clubs (ie fan clubs that you pay a yearly fee to join and which give you exclusive access to content like pictures or videos)? Do you belong to any unofficial fan clubs? If so, which ones and what aspects of a fan club are most important to you? Nope.

Would the chance to win door prizes or enter raffles encourage you to attend a concert? Nope. I'm there for the music. However, I'd enter just because having the chance to win something is neat.

If there is an opening act, do you find out who the opening act is before you purchase tickets or attend the concert? Does the choice of opening act influence your decision to attend a concert or not and, if so, why? It usually doesn't influence me to go or not but I do like to check out every band on the bill just to familiarize myself with the material and what to expect. Also of note, I've been to concerts specifically to see the opening band while actually having a dislike for the headliners. It just works out that way sometimes.

Are you interested in signing up for alerts about ticket availability, artist news or concert cancellations when purchasing your tickets? By text message, by email, or by some other method? Nope.

Are you interested in package deals (ie where you purchase transportation, parking, or food/beverage coupons along with your tickets)? If so, what would be included in your ideal package? Not if it costs more.

Would you purchase or enter contests to see the band’s sound check or to meet the band? Have you ever attended such an event and what would make you interested in attending one in the future?
I've done it a few times. Its cool just meeting people I guess.

Would you be interested in attending after parties at a local club after the show? Have you ever attended such an event and what would make you interested in attending one in the future? Usually not. I'm not really a club/party kind of guy. I have a home to go to with my own stuff I need to work on.

Do you need to purchase the band’s album before you attend the concert or do you go to concerts to discover new music? Usually buying the album is a waste of money and doesn't support the artist much. I'd rather download the album and save the money for the concert to support the band directly.

Do you read or listen to reviews of the band’s albums or their concerts before attending their show? If so, what sources do you use (ie newspaper, online blogs, radio etc) and do they influence your decision to attend the concert? Critics are retarded.

Do you ever visit the official websites of bands that you like? Do you visit other websites about bands that you like (ie fan-created websites) or general music websites? Which websites and what kind of content do you look for?
Yes, usually to check out the music and check tour dates.

Describe a good concert experience that you have had?
Describe a bad concert experience?
Being vomitted on by something that wasn't one of GWAR's props.
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