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Old 10-02-2008, 04:09 PM   #6 (permalink)
Brad Stengel
This Space for Rent
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
There are so many songs that you don't pick up on the meaning of when you are a kid, no matter how blatant.

I didnt know "Longview" by Green Day was about masturbation when I was a kid, cos I didn't know what the word 'masturbation was.

In 4th grade my friend who was also a huge fan said that his brother told him that that was what it was about. I forget if neither of us knew, or if he wouldn't tell me, but I just had to know what 'masturbation' was. The thought of such a long sophisticated sounding dirty word was amazing to me, I needed a definition so that I could begin using it in context at once.

So that day, in class, I decided to grab the dictionary. I was quite familiar with looking up dirty words in the dictionary, as I was 10 years old, and, in retrospect, somewhat of a fucking wierdo. I mean, I was surrounded by peers who were also fascinated by the thought of someone taking the time to explain what a 'scrotum' was, and who also wanted to know whether it was pronounced "vah-gina" or "buh-gina", so it wasn't like I was some creepy autist.

Anyway, I grab the dictionary and sart skimming down "m", I'm looking all over, with no results, when this little cunt we'll call "Kirstie" walks over. She had been on to me looking up dirty words for months now, and it appeared as though she would finally make her move.

"Mrs. So and so!" (we had a substitute teacher this day, which really adds to this situation)
"Brad's looking up dirty words in the dictionary!"

I was infuriated. The teachers gaze caught mine, mouth open, hands on both sides of the dictionary. Still not knowing the meaning of the word, I naively yelled in my defense, "I WAS JUST LOOKING UP MASTURBATION IN THE DICTIONARY!"

The teacher said nothing, told me to put the dictionary back, and Todd Benson explained the meaning to me at lunch the next day.

So I wouldnt worry about any ambiguous meaning in that video.
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