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Old 10-10-2008, 08:38 AM   #177 (permalink)
mr dave
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
I don't get it. Konami, Sega and Square Enix make EXCELLENT games for Nintendo's portable systems like the GBA and DS, so why don't their Gamecube and Wii games hold up in comparison? The Wii is a much better system than people give it credit for. If third party developers actually cared about the Wii (which they SHOULD, being the best selling system and easier to program for than the PS3) then they could show people what the system is truly capable of, but no, instead Konami and Square make their anticipated badass games for Sony, like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII, and what does the Wii get? Dewy's Adventure and a f*cking Cystal Cronicles sequel? What a slap in the face for Nintendo fans. There's no excuse for it, not anymore. One thing that hurts the Wii's reputation is all the shallow casual games and lame party games, f*ck you Hudson Soft.
it's not so much of an issue as to whether or not developers care about nintendo so much as the time and money involved in learning how to develop for the wii. when the average budget for a small title is measured in millions a publisher is far more likely to sign off on a more traditional disc / gamepad based project. even with the technological jump between the ps2 and ps3 the same core design mechanics and philosophies apply to their titles.

with the wii it's a whole new ballgame which either requires developers to learn those nuances on their own time (after being overworked on their other projects) or for the publisher to take a risk and invest into R&D time.

even if more 3rd party developers released stuff for the wii it's not going to be a linear increase in quality games. how much shovelware is out for the DS? back in the NES / SNES days you had 10 turds for every great 3rd party game.

the wii is like a double edged sword for nintendo. it definitely distinguishes them and reestablished their identity in the home console market, but the technical specialization of the machine creates a very large hurdle to be overcome by developers who have to be able to convince publishers of the economic feasibility of taking a risk with the new technology that IS more than just a kids toy you waggle.
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Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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