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Old 10-15-2008, 10:43 AM   #15 (permalink)
marquee moon
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As an individual who listens to whole albums wall-to-wall, I have to say that as such this particular record fails. The sequencing is all wrong, and there are two songs (Festival and Ara Batur) which ruin the pacing of the album. Individually these songs work perfectly. Festival and Ara Batur, when listened out of context, are great journeys, but they are exhausting when listening to the record from beginning to end.

Takk... had that same problem with Se Lest, Milano and Svo Hjlott (I think), though the difference in that record is that those songs were more impressive, as they worked on momentum, than the slow crawl and sudden outburst of the former two tracks (which to me is completely illogical), and thus more easily forgivable.

This record is, to me, average when compared to all the more impressive work that came before it, except for maybe Von.
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