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Thread: The Debates
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Old 10-19-2008, 01:23 PM   #204 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 271

Originally Posted by jibber View Post
First of all, I sincerely hope that I'm interpreting your post wrong, and that you dont actually mean that the economic crisis is in some way being caused by obama's rise in popularity.

Secondly, I wont even get into the reasons why you dislike obama, because you have none that are even remotely legitimate.

Thirdly, your reference to the Manchurian candidate is laughable. I wont even begin to touch on the idiocy of basing your concerns about a candidate on a hollywood plot.

Then you went off on a vague rant about media and book burning. I will agree with you on one point (shocking I know) is that american "media" is getting to be a joke. CNN dumbs everything down to a point where it's not even useful news, they often focus on non-issues, and there are only a few anchors (anderson cooper is one of them) whom I can listen to without feeling utter contempt.

Fox "news" is probably the worst of them all, they focus more on non-issues than CNN, and still have the nerve to call themselves a news program when it's been degraded to a republican political forum.

MSNBC has some redeeming qualities, Chris Matthews is still respectable, but Kieth Olbermann, who is at times right on with his observations, is just as biased towards the democratic party as fox is to the republican party. Everyone knows that I support Obama, but when it comes to journalism, there is no room for ANY preference whatsoever. Most of these american television "journalists" are no more than TV personalities with political shows masquerading as news programs. Which is very unfortunate, because there are a lot of people who are too undiscerning as to sort out which information is a biased attack on one candidate or an endorsement for another. Good information is out there however, most news publications are still good at being unbiased.

However, my understanding is that instead of going to TV for your information, you've turned to propaganda spewing websites feeding you lies about Obama being a terrorist, a muslim extremist, a communist, or probably in some weird alternate universe, all three.

You say your an undecided, and yet you have yet to offer any reasons why you're "undecided" about McCain. I'd be very interested to know why you haven't yet found HIM to be a suitable candidate.
i am so sorry, but i am just FED UP with your SHIT ~

First ~ You have a bad habit of trying to logically extropolate something someone has said into something else, which IS possible, but you don't seem to have any idea of how to construct a logical conclussion.

First ~ A) You have missed the whole point, again. i'm not even on about Obama ~ you've brought that can of worms up again. Gee, wonder where Sleepy Jack is? Thought he was going to delete any posts that addressed Obama's LACK OF QUALIFICATION to even APPLY for the job of prez? Oh! Just mine! That's right! How foolish of me!

Second ~ You have no eartly idea what my views on Obama are. For me, until he is vetted and approved, it's sort of a waste of my time to do any in-depth consideration of his policies.

Third ~ Refer back to First ~ A

Okay, that's as far as i've gotten, for now, but i'm mowing and gardening today, so i'll be back.

Unless, of course, you can convince Sleepy Jack that i need to be banned for this sort of behavior...

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