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Thread: The Debates
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Old 10-19-2008, 03:25 PM   #209 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 271

Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Lol, Obama has no control over the economy whatsoever. I know Presidental Nominees get some special treatment (for instance McCain, Biden, and Obama all contacted regarding the Iraqi Security Agreement) but at the end of the day both of them are still Senators and they only have the power a Senator has. Suggesting one is to blame for the economic crisis is just the epitome of idiotic because Senator Obama had no hand to play in it whatsoever. Unless you want to blame all other hundred senators for it as well. Which would be ridiculous.

Secondly I said I'd delete your posts specifically about the birth certificate thing because it was nothing more than ring-wing propaganda and had no place in any intelligent discussion. But to be fair all your posts are proving to be nothing more than right-wing propaganda.

Obama has been vetted by an electorate where as Sarah Palin has not. So to everyone bitching about his inexperience shut up. If you're voting purely on experience you really need to read a book or something and in addition to that this man has proven to be much more organized than Senator McCain. He's been running a complete joke of a campaign, he made a comically bad choice when it came to his running mate, his campaign is falling apart and resorting to scaremongering and when you compare that to Obama who's run an incredible campaign. He's had to deal with some incredibly ludicrous racially tinged attacks, he beat the CLINTONS. In 2006 people were already saying Hillary had it in the bag, he's winning suppors in progressive white states and he did all this without being in the Senate for 30 years? That's impressive, this is his first ever election and he's running it better than anyone I've seen. Even Gore didn't have shit on him. So please for the love of god stop looking at years and start looking at policies. There's an argument to be made about experience sure but this man can't even run a campaign do you think he can run a country?

Oh and WendyCal, Jibber doesn't need to open her mind, you just need to shut the fuck up and keep your bullshit to yourself.
Good Grief! You don't even GET that what i was talking about was that OTHER COUNTRIES are getting REAL WORRIED about the monies we owe them, and the closer THEY think we are to electing Obama, the MORE worried they are???

Oh, Hey!

It wasn't reported on ABC, CBS, NBC???

Go figure.

UP you, back, Jack!
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