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Old 10-24-2008, 01:57 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by WendyCal View Post
To think that he wouldn't be involved with the city that he lives in, and in that political scene, Well, of course he was involved with the city.
He's a Senator. His job is to review and pass or veto bills that come from the House. Have you seen the size of some of those bills? Many are exceedingly large (recall in, I think Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore has waggling about the Patriots Act? THICK). Have you seen how many get reviewed? I don't know about the American system, but in UK politics it's huge. You can go onto the UK Government Website and read all the bills that are up for debate, I expect there's something similar in the US system.

If he's getting anything more than lightly involved in the Chicago politics scene then he doesn't have time to be doing his job in the Senate, the job that he was elected to do and tax dollars are paying him for, to the fullest of his ability and is failing the voter. Unless you have specific instances to cite where Barack got involved and played a part in the current situation, drop the claim. It's an unfounded and nonsensical ad hominem.

Originally Posted by WendyCal View Post
It should have read MOST rather than MORE, but, hey! You can call it a typo.
It was not a typo. I'm the more important [of the two of us] ... etc. Obviously I'm not more important than the mods or admin, hence not the most important. As for needing to use the font, you might prefer to invest in some decent glasses or a better computer screen. The benefits will be far greater in the long run.

Originally Posted by WendyCal View Post
2nd) If your 'decent standard' for debate is to refuse to read the BASICS of the debate, then i think you might have a real problem with any debates you undertake...
You seem to misunderstand the concept of a debate. If you're making a statement about something specific, you directly quote or cite the source to which you are responding. If you're making a statement about something vague, you make a vague statement.
The only sections that you actively quote from, and thus are actually responding to, are blanket opinions/voting records and then make statements of supposition based upon that. If you are responding to a specific quote made by Obama, you include that quote in your response.

I do not refuse to read it, I refuse to dig for it. As it is your post, your argument, the burden of evidence falls to you. Giving a general link and saying "it's on there" isn't good enough; how do I know what I've found is what you're actually responding to.

Vita brevis,
Occasio praeceps
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