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Old 10-24-2008, 03:26 PM   #44 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 271

Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
firstly, i live in chicago, so i think i'd have a better idea of what's going on here than you. are you suprised that i responded in defense of my city after you basically bashed it without credible sources and without having first-hand knowledge of city politics?
you attacked an entire city that is internationally recognized as a center of art and culture without puropse.

your entire argument was that obama was from illinois, but only included "facts" about the city of chicago. how can anyone be expected to take your ranting seriously if you can't even form coherent arguments on your own?
i don't know what you're on, but i want some!

i haven't based this thread on Illinois... It's BASED on Obama's policies, with some background on where he came from.

And now, for a word from our sources:

But Friday’’s story also serves as a reminder of what sort of
governance Obama has willingly and knowingly backed
with his good
name. Despite his personal popularity, and the resulting capacity he
had for political independence —— despite having many opportunities
to change Chicago in a positive way —— Obama always chose to back
a corrupt status quo. This amazingly unexplored part of Obama’’s
career falsifies the media image he has paid millions of dollars to
project, as an agent of positive change.
~ US

Ryan Lizza, then of The New Republic, quoted an Obama ally who framed the situation in the most sympathetic light possible:
That’’s part of [Obama’’s] political savvy. . . . He recognizes that Daley is a powerful man and to have him as an ally is important. While he was a state senator here and moving around in Chicago, he made sure to minimize the direct confrontational approach to people of influence and policymakers and civic leaders. These are the same people now who are very aggressively supporting his campaign.

Obama Ties To Slumlord Causing Him Distress

Sen. Barack Obama, who has led a fairly charmed existence during his
presidential campaign so far, is starting to draw fire over his ties to an
alleged Chicago Slumlord. The issue, first raised by Chicago Sun-Times
reporter Tim Novak over the last few days, focuses on Obama's ties to
Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a low-income housing developer who is currently
under indictment for shaking down those looking to do business with
the state and is also accused of maintaining vastly substandard
conditions in his properties. Rezko is a long time friend of Obama's
and a former fundraiser
. The AP reports that Sen. Obama "said he had
no idea longtime friend and now-indicted fundraiser Antoin 'Tony'
Rezko was behind problem buildings in the South Side district that
Obama once represented as a state senator. 'Should I have known
these buildings were in a state of disrepair? My answer would be that it
wasn't brought to my attention,' Obama told newspapers Monday."
~ USNews & World Reports

The Chicago Sun-Times reports that while "clout and corruption
scandals that have plagued Chicago and Illinois politics in recent
years," they "have not laid a glove on Barack Obama, he told
reporters" in Chicago yesterday. Obama said, " ... There is no doubt
I had friends and continue to have friends who come out of the
more traditional school of Chicago politics
... ”

And that ought to take care of the Who Did Obama Hang With In Chicago question.

Last edited by WendyCal; 10-24-2008 at 03:35 PM.
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