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Old 10-24-2008, 04:18 PM   #47 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 271

Originally Posted by jibber View Post
I'm not even going to touch what WendyCal is saying about Obama's job as a senator. It is obvious that she has no idea what is involved in position, and what is out of the jurisdiction of the position, so I'll leave it be.
Have you never heard of the 'good ole boy' network? They have to actually associate with, converse with, party with, etc. with, these other folks in order to schmooz the 'good ole boy's.

Politicians, working together, for the good of their state and cities, is so universally accepted that i'm amazed that you don't understand it. NO politician stands alone. If they do, they stand in the loser's ring.

That being the case, their associations with other politicians, especially if those politicians are being named in fraud and corruptions cases, is pretty important.

Originally Posted by jibber View Post
As for the question of Obama's stance on abortion. Many of the bills that the republican party have been using to sway people away from Obama in the abortion argument are not being explained in full. In the example you quoted, that of partial birth abortion, Obama voted no on the bill because there was no clause excepting the circumstance that there was to be severe danger to the mother. Now if you or someone you loved were pregnant, and it was a matter of aborting the baby or saving the mother's life, wouldn't you want to have that choice? Had that bill passed, that choice would not have been available.
A big long excuse is just wasted words.

My point was, and still is:

Obama believes that life begins at the moment of conception, sometimes.
Obama believes that unrestricted abortion should be allowed all the time.
Obama believes that the taking of life should be allowed, sometimes.



The taking of life is defined as murder.
Obama believes that the taking of life should be allowed, sometimes.
Obama believes that murder should be allowed, sometimes.

If he had just said that he didn't believe life started until [ whatever he believes ], that would have been one thing. But to say 'Yeah, i think about it, and sometimes i think this and sometimes i think that' ~ it's like saying that he condones murder.

Originally Posted by jibber View Post
Had you done any research at all, and not just listened to fox news and taken the information ver batim as complete truth, you might be a bit more informed on the issue.
i hate to say this, but if you had read all of your own source, you would have seen all of the things i'm quoting.
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