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Old 04-03-2005, 08:34 PM   #6 (permalink)
Not Impressed
All_Nite_Dinah's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 741

Exactly, the idea that being a peacefull protester is non existant is sooooo outrageous. Once again the best example is the civil rights movement. Have you ever heard of a little old lady called Rosa Parks or the Montgomry Bus Boycott? To deny that peaceful protest is non effective or a contradition of ideas is just plain silly.

So you dont like the idea that people protest an injust war and want peace, that pretty messed up man. How can they oppose police you ask? Do you realize that no matter if the police shoot the first bullet, throw the first punch, or shove the first protester the protesters are going to be blamed? Its not often you hear about police starting riots, its always blamed on the protesters. Even in outrageous incidents like at Kent state the protesters were pegged with the blame(fortunetly no one belived the police, a picture speaks a thousand words) I just cant belive that you are ingnorant enough to blame protesters for "trashing" a park, and miss the entire picture. Trashing a country seems like a little more of a problem than trashing a park. Your being swindled day in and day out and all you can do is blame the people that are trying to make a change for a better life for all of us? Its pretty sick when people cant aknoledge whats acctually hapening in the world around them and instead choose to whine about something as small as a picket sign left on the ground.
If I cant dance I dont want to be part of your revolution.

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