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Old 10-27-2008, 12:22 AM   #28 (permalink)
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The order isn't exact, but...

10. The Earth is not a Cold Dead Place - Explosions in the Sky

It was my first post-rock album (if you don't consider Sigur Ros post-rock), and it was just a really great experience. I didn't really love it at first, but it grew on me quick, and now I thoroughly enjoy it every time I listen. The composition of it all is great, and there are some really beautiful melodies scattered throughout the album. I particularly loved First Breath After Coma and Your Hand in Mine.

9. Takk... - Sigur Ros

I just really liked this album, I thought it was really beautiful and uplifting. I was going to put Ágætis Byrjun, because it was the first Sigur Ros album I got, and Svefn-g-englar for the first time was one of the most mind blowing experiences I've ever had, but overall I like Takk... more I think. I guess I like how their sound evolved over time, and they really captured an incredibly feeling with this album. It's so lush, yet simple and beautiful. The end of Sæglópur is incredible, and Andvari is one of my favorite Sigur Ros songs.

8. True Love Waits - Christopher O'Riley

I really love listening to this record. I've always been a big fan of solo piano, and I love how he interprets the Radiohead tunes he does. He is great with the dynamics and overall feel of each piece. Listening to it also really makes me focus on the melody and harmony that make up the piece. When I listen to Radiohead, there's a lot more going on, and a lot more to focus on. When the music is simplified to more or less simple melody and harmony, it makes for an interesting listen. It helped me to realize that music generally just needs to have a good melody, set of chords, and a simple rhythm. That was an important thought as a musician myself.

7. Ambient 1: Music for Airports - Brian Eno

This was the first ever ambient album I bought. I really dig ambient music, and this particular album got (and still gets) a whole lot of play. I listen to it a lot at night before bed, or throughout the night even. Even during the day, I find ambient music really beautiful. I just love the idea of music that seems to work with the atmosphere around you, and compliment it, which ambient music is really great for.

6. Hail to the Thief - Radiohead

This was the first Radiohead I heard, and really, one of the first times I had a very deep connection with the music I was listening to. I was only just getting onto rock music at this point (coming from hip-hop before that), and though I'd had great connections with music before, this was different. This created some surreal connection. I'd never heard anything like it. I didn't even know that kind of music existed. It really opened my eyes to the possibilities of music.

5. Blue - Joni Mitchell

This one probably stands out quite a bit from the rest on my list. A friend introduced this to me, and though it took a little warming up to (I listened to Little Green and Blue a couple times before listening to the album and "getting it"), once I put the album on in full, I liked it so much I listened to it 4 times in that first day. It was so different from what I was accustomed to, and there was this really raw beauty involved with it that I couldn't seem to get enough of. Lyrically it's one of the best albums I've ever heard too. Her words are so honest, and really relate so much a lot of things in my life. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.

3b. ( ) - Sigur Ros

The first 3 tracks on this album make up some of the most beautiful 15 minutes or so of music I've ever heard. They're as good as anything else I've ever listened to. The whole melancholy, but beautiful tone that is involved really captures a lot of not only what I look for in music, but what I see in life. In fact, since I've heard it, I had the thought that I want Untitled #1 played at my funeral.

3a. Kid A - Radiohead

This album really blew me away when I heard it, and along with ( ), it's the biggest non-Floyd influence I have. It's just so emotionally gripping. I've always been a big fan of lush, somewhat electronic, music too, which this definately is. It's without question my favorite Radiohead album.

2. The Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd

This album along with Wish You Were Here were probably the two biggest factors in me becoming a musician. I think they deserve the top two spots purely because they affected me the most.

1. Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd

This is unquestionably the most important album to me. It's what really got me onto music, seriously onto music I mean. To be honest, listening to this changed my life. I wouldn't be where I am without it.

Last edited by Blue; 10-27-2008 at 12:29 AM.
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