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Old 10-27-2008, 07:32 PM   #149 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by WendyCal View Post
@ bold Noooo! i was speaking to the late-term, partial-birth stuff ~ the care-free and easy 'pooh, pooh' pro-choice folks seem to give it, without considering what is actually happening. How he could waffle about THAT, i don't understand. Well, but that's just me.
Yes, I think it IS just you, since I already explained this in an earlier post, one that you disregarded completely. But, for the sake of argument, I'll explain it again, maybe I used too many big words.

Obama voted no on a bill to make late-term, or partial birth abortions illegal. The REASON he voted no, was that ON THAT PARTICULAR BILL, there was no clause excepting cases in which the mother's life was in danger. He has stated numerous times that he is against partial or late term abortion, unless the mother's health is in jeopardy. Did you understand this time or will I have to repeat myself a second time?
What you've done becomes the judge of what you're going to do -- especially in other people's minds. When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road.
William Least Heat Moon, Blue Highways

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