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Old 10-28-2008, 12:01 AM   #11 (permalink)
Da Hiphopopotamus
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Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen View Post
There are many ambient-oritented albums that are a LOT more sonically beautiful than Kid A. If Kid A REALLY stood out among electro-ambient soundscape music and was the genuine bona fide flagship of its genre, then you'd have a point. The fact is, it isn't. It's not even among the top 20 or 30 electro-ambient albums in existence. I was never saying it was boring because it lacks radio hits. I say it's boring because it just isn't very engaging. I mean, 90% of the crap I listen to is completely devoid of anything that could ever even be construed as potential radio music.

Seriously, to you and dac, this might sound arrogant but I'll say it anyway: I think the only reason that either of you really view Kid A as being something so amazing is that you are not, essentially, fans of that kind of electronic music in the broader sense.

Here's a great electro-ambient album from this year: Flying Lotus - Los Angeles. This knocks the socks off of Kid A and it wasn't even supposed to.

But we're not talking about every electro-ambient ever made, we're just talking about Radiohead. And that boring remark was more towards lucifer sam. Also, I never said it was the most sonically beautiful album ever made, just that it was beautiful album that Radiohead did that was better in a sense than Ok Computer because they completely changed their direction in their music. So in many ways it is better album than it's predessor. But I'll check out that album.
Originally Posted by swim View Post
America does folk, hardcore and mathrock better and that's 90% of what I give 2 shits on.
Originally Posted by chartsengrafs View Post
sweet nothing openly flaunts the fact that he is merely the empty shell of an even more unadmirable member. his loneliness and need for attention bleeds through every letter he types. edit: i would just like to add that i'm ashamed that he's from texas. surely you didn't grow up in texas, did you sweet nothing?
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