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Old 10-29-2008, 12:18 PM   #168 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jibber View Post
I'm going to say right now that this is likely to be an issue which no one will change their minds on. I suspect that WendyCal and Jayjamjah are of the thought that people's money are their own, under any and all circumstances, and that everyone should be responsible for their own wealth. If one man is buying his 6th house, and another is struggling to feed himself and his family just a few neighboorhoods away, the first man has no reason to part with his hard earned money.

I am of a completely different thought, I would honestly see no problem in paying higher taxes if I was very wealthy (and yes, 150K+ a year is very wealthy) if it meant it was being invested in GOOD social programs that were making a difference. Mainly, this comes from my not putting much value in monetary things. I've never understood the motive behind buying a 100K car. I've never understood the logic of owning 6 homes. I've never understood the motive behind buying designer clothing. I believe that his tax plan is fair, because I believe that if one very wealthy person has to pay so much taxes that he can no longer afford to buy that 4th or 5th or 6th home, if it gives enough of a tax break to another man so that he is able to keep his family from being evicted, I see no issue with it.

I'm sure this will open the floodgates to everything from calling me a socialist, to being naive, to whatever else. But it's one of those issues that is fueled solely by opinion, so of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I sincerely doubt I'll change anyone's, and I know that no one will change mine.
Who the heck do YOU know who owns 6 houses (that aren't travel trailers! ) and makes only makes $150K/year??? My bro and his wife make more than that, and they're paying on their house, they're saving for their children's college, they have money in the bank, a disposable income, but if they had to pay 50% in taxes??? That would change.

Our prices have been going up, up, and away, and we (Dev and me) only make about $27K, and with rent, a vehicle, insurances, taxes, and utilities, we have to pay bills before we can buy groceries! And we really don't have high bills.

The further and further his proposal dips down, the less and less motivation WE'RE going to have ~ who wants a raise that's going to COST YOU??? And the thing is, the further DOWN he goes, the even FURTHER down our Reps will take it.

You have a sort of bad habit of focusing in, too closely, on one particular thing or another, and it's easy to lose the Big Pic that way. (Just saying)
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