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Old 10-29-2008, 12:29 PM   #170 (permalink)
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Posts: 271

Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog View Post
I wouldn't think it fair if it were true. They don't pay half, most business folks are going to live in Deleware, not France. I live in Massachusetts and I'd guess I pay more in taxes than most on here...(states wise of course).

I might have the oppertunity but you understand that if people making 150k aren't paying the majority of the taxes, guys like me making 30K are, so do you honeslty think that I'm going to have the money to buy from businesses?

I moved this week and I had to write a check for $1125. I spent exactly $0 from my checking account because I had $20 in there extra. I didn't eat out, I didn't buy clothes, I didn't do anything. Thats what happens when I pay a majority of the taxes. Money needs to circulate and you pro-market clowns forget that Taxes aren't killing businesses, a lack of sales are killing businesses.

You think the stock market crashed because of Taxes? Get serious. You don't even need to be well versed in this stuff, its just logic.

If people don't have money to spend, they don't buy from businesses.

I don't know what else to say. If you can't figure that out, theres no point in my trying to explain it 7 other ways. My point of contention will always be, where do businesses get the money if not from consumers (because consumers are over taxed). If you can answer that, you might get me to budge.
No, no, no ~ i didn't say the stock market crashed because of taxes, nor did anyone else, i don't think.

i honestly think the ONLY taxes our government should be getting from us are Sales Taxes, and i don't mind if they want it to be up to 15%. i think foreign Businesses operating here should pay SUBSTANTIAL taxes, and i believe that they should also pay SUBSTANTIAL Excise Taxes.

To me, that would be fair.
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