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Old 10-29-2008, 07:37 PM   #1103 (permalink)
MB's Biggest Fanboy
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Originally Posted by jibber View Post
You completely missed the point of my post. Go back, read your last sentence; that is exactly what I am saying annoys me.

Give me a break, "change the recording industry forever"? This is what drives me nuts about diehard radiohead fans, everything they do is a groundbreaking miracle that will change the world. Guess what, in about 5 years, no one will be giving a second thought to In Rainbows. The next big marketing scheme will come around, whoever comes up with it will have fans throwing themselves to the ground in their praise, and 5 years after that, no one will give a ****.

Radiohead did nothing that will change the recording industry. People were downloading music years before In Rainbows, people will be downloading music years after. Radiohead put out a great album, and boosted their old album sales like crazy because of all the new fans who suddenly though they were the new messiah come to deliver them from the evil record labels.
Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
If they changed the recording industry forever then how come if I wanted In Rainbows now i'd have to buy it through the usual mediums.

They changed nothing , it was a publicity stunt.
Both of you missed it completely. In Rainbows will change how bands interact with their labels. No it won't change anything with people themselves buying the CD. That wasn't the intent. People who buy CDs will continue to buy CDs. People who buy online will continue to buy online. People who pirate will continue to pirate. Radiohead has spoken out against the recording industry for years. They want to see the money go to who they feel is the rightful beneficiaries, the artists. They wanted to show that you don't need a major label to make good music.

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