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Old 11-02-2008, 01:38 AM   #279 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 271

Originally Posted by jibber View Post
No, NOT EVERYONE believed that iraq had WMD's at the time. A huge number of people in the US did not think so, and so did a MASSIVE number of people in canada and other nations.
Sources, please?
Originally Posted by jibber View Post
yes, as i stated earlier, NOW iraq is a hotbed for al-queda operations, after sadam was ousted. they were not, and had not been present before the war.
i did answer this... But, okay! i'll play!

Gee, i'm a terrorist.

Wonder where i'll go to 'hide out?'

YEAH! i'll go RIGHT WHERE EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR TERRORITS!!! Damn, i'm flippin' brilliant!

Originally Posted by jibber View Post
yes, i do want to say the war was mismanaged. I do want to say that it was a short sighted, and VERY misguided approach to the war on terror. I am making a case against the war based on my personal morals and beliefs.

I do not, however, see this issue as black and white as you do. I do not think that bombing the **** out of a country because of a minority of fanatical people. I do not see that war is the answer in fighting terrorism or anti-wester sentiment in the middle east. Any intelligent person can see that war will never be the answer to this. There has been years of oppression and poverty imposed by puppet governments of the west, and this anti-western sentiment has been so indoctrinated that unless we actually go to the route of the cause, it will never be solved.
Hate to repeat myself, but... Sources?

Originally Posted by jibber View Post
People there hate us because they are desperately poor, have no access to education, and have been brainwashed to think that the western infidels are the cause of all their problems. They have seen their governments extort them and drain all resources away to benefit only the rich minority, and they have been told it is the US's fault. BOMBING them isnt going to help increase their regard for the US.
Again ~ how would YOU propose to get rid of a corrupt government that you can see abusing its people?

Oh. That's right. You aren't an elected official of the US. You aren't privy to all of the intelligence info that our agencies are.

Come to think of it, you aren't even a citizen.

Why would you care? Afraid that you'll be mistaken for one of us? Why? Because you're caucasian?

Hey. Just tell 'em you're Canadian. i'm sure that'll make ALL the diff...

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