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Thread: Big up a Band
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Old 04-06-2005, 10:29 AM   #4 (permalink)
Let it drip
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like the the concept of this thread. OK, the band im going to big up, its a toss up between zeppelin, radiohead, white stripes or massive gonna go with, well theres no need to big up zeppelin anymore than i have already so here it goes with RADIOHEAD.

right, where to start. they talk about issues in life we can all relate to. everyday things and natural emotions. thom yorkes lyrics have deeper meaning, what you see isnt necessarily what you get. its intelligent music that makes you think. musically they are so progressive- always pushing the boundaries of what can be done with an instrument. their unlike a lot of the run-of-the-mill bands that rely solely on drums, a couple of chords of the electric guitar and a grooving bass beat. they use studio electronics, anything to enhance their sound- they are never happy. the bends and OK computer are two of the greatest albums in history. hail to thief, amnesiac, Kid A, pablo honey, my iron lung- their quality is consistent, every album is at least a 7/10. radiohead have never compromised- threy always do what they feel is necessary. a lot of people are happy with simplistic music, i like a lot of bands that harness simplicity- but the complexity of radiohead is something anybody who actually takes the time to listen with an open mind can appreciate.
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