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Old 11-18-2008, 03:10 AM   #594 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Two Different Nights: Night One
I don't know if I'm getting myself in over my head here, but for my first attempt at one of these mixtapes I'm doing part one of a two-parter, describing two different nights with music. The link is at the bottom of my post. Hope you enjoy it...

1. "Wild Women"—Alien Sex Fiend
You meet up at friend's place with several people for some drinks before going out. Over shots of Jagermeister and a little hash out on the porch things get a little goofy.

2. "Surfer Calavera"—Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
The group of you catch a cab. It's a hairy drive swerving in and out of traffic but eventually you get where you're going.

3. "Mucha Muchacha"—Esquivel
You start your night out in a big godfather booth at a casual place, occasionally flirting with the waitress. Smoke swirls up toward the high ceiling.

4. "Big Wave"—Johnny Dowd
You stroll down the street looking for a new place to stop at. Things get a little weird with a panhandler in aviator shades at the corner of Aldine and Clark.

5. "Caravan"—Chris Connolly
All of you finally find a place you can agree on. There's a band tonight but they haven't started yet. You wend your way through the crowd, smiling at people and holding your beer above shoulder height so it doesn't spill.

6. "Got My Own Thing Now"—Squirrel Nut Zippers
A significant number of drinks later and you're dancing like a fiend.

7. "Hopak"—Ukranians
And... you're still dancing your ass off, faster and faster. You try to incorporate the occasional drunken stumble into your arsenal of dance moves so it looks like it's intentional.

8. "Heulodoch 7B"—Foetus
You're soaked with sweat and still dancing even as you saddle up to the bar. Several shots and some bad behavior later and the bouncer is asking you to leave.

9. "Dean's Dream"—Dead Milkmen
The group splits up. You and one of your friends find your way to a basement bar and end up in a little alcove having a slurred conversation about his ex-girlfriend.

10. "Indian Love Call"—Slim Whitman
You and your friend part ways. You don't feel like taking the train and you can't find a cab so you decide to walk. You meander down residential streets, a full moon poking out from behind tree branches above you.

Click here to download this mixtape.

Last edited by Janszoon; 11-18-2008 at 03:27 AM.
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