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Old 04-07-2005, 09:29 PM   #39 (permalink)
hookers with machineguns
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well there's no denying that GWB and OBL are indeed active in their respective roles. But, their very existance is not significant; ridding of GWB doesn't destroy the US government. Killing OBL doesnt destroy finish Al Qaeda. If I were to speculate on how they operate, I'm sure OBL is not their main coordinator as of now, and there are many others who "run the show" in different areas, kinda similar to how GWB works.
Of all the assertions made in Farenheit 911, the two I heard were false was that claim about the BL family being allowed to leave (now that I saw in an interview with the family members in question. documents were presented to show that no commercial or private planes were allowed to leave the US within that time period.) and there was some newspaper cut-and-pasting somewhere in the documentary as well.
Regardless, even if it were true, I understand why they would be allowed to go back home. If they were to stay in the US, that would be a death wish.
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