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Old 04-07-2005, 11:34 PM   #44 (permalink)
hookers with machineguns
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2004
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^ I was not aware of the various Saudi social situations you detailed. All I know is, like you said later, that the royal family and co. have a "close" relationship with the US (I'm assuming it's a political relationship built around oil import) and that the citizens are not exactly pleased with the position. All these things put in perspective is certainly a cause for concern for that region. I've heard reports from US media that the royal family is under a lot of scrutiny from their people and they have been targeted by islamic extremists for some time. I've also heard reports that higher ups within GWB's adminstration are displeased with the efforts (or lack of efforts) to fight terrorism within their country. I've heard some conservatives who feel Saudi is next in the fight against terror, but what I guess my main point was that it wouldn't be tactical or even ethical to wage war, especially considering the royal family has an official stance against terror, even if they may not be working as hard as we'd like them too. I still feel like the main focus should be on the Pakistan and Afghanistan border; which reminds me, that Pakistan is in a similar situation, where the people simply do not support the platform of Musharaff (SP?) and co. It's tough. There's so many problems, so many lives to consider, yet we resort to taking out dirty laundry (Iraq) when we should have done it years ago, when tyranny was at its peak. The bottom line is priorities. We have to take care of imminent dangers first.
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