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Old 04-08-2005, 07:38 AM   #48 (permalink)
Not Impressed
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I agree with most the stuff you guys have been saying so i dont have much for input except more on the rediculous idea of a "war on terrorism". No country can invade another country and not expect there to be retaliation. Despite what some people think no country WANTS to be invaded. Not Iraq, not Afghanistan, and surely no North Korea. Being the cynic I am I still agree that the entire premise behind the invasion, occupation, and eventual "elections" is all about the money. What does country X have that we want? How can we aquire this while making our image is still strong. The fact is diplomacy went out the window a looong time ago. Nobody likes to wave a flag and say god bless America because we aid and trade with foreighn countries. They would rather hold there head up high because we bomb them appoint officials and take what we want. How many people were patriotic when the UN sanctions were imposed AND WORKING in Iraq. None, but the second we went in with bombs rather than take them out people began to support us. This goes as far back as the first conflict with Iraq, when we gave them weapons no one seemed to care, but when they invaded Kuwait all the sudden we are schocked? Countries only use weapons for one thing and im pretty sure its not to build jungle gyms. I understand what your saying about the pakistan/Afghanistan border, but I think its a pretty bad situation no matter what. Were obviously not going to solve the problem diplomaticly as that just dosnt seem to be the theme of our times. So what are we going to do, invade Pakistan too? Well then whats going to happen at the Pakistan/Iran and Pakistan/China boarders. Are we going to invade them too? Our resources are strecthed thin enough already we wouldnt stand a chance. Any government is going to suffer from instability when there neighbor is invaded and occupied. Most likely cutting off any trade you have with them and accusing your country as taking part in terrorism simply by trading for the things that you need to live everyday. Will they join you when you accuse them of being terrorist and threaten to invade there country, Hell yes they will. Like its been said already. We really put ourselves into a quaqmire acting as the global authority. We have engaged ourselves in conflicts around the world and become the most hated nation in the world. And on top of it all the only exit startegy in place for this mess is for GW to wait untill he gets out of office so he can blame the mess on his predesessor. Unles of course good ol Jeb gets in, in which case god save us please!

In relation to the original topic. Peace rocks, we should give it a try.
If I cant dance I dont want to be part of your revolution.

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