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Old 11-24-2008, 02:50 PM   #1248 (permalink)
Rainard Jalen
Music Addict
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by Veronica Lodge View Post
It's not like bands write the concepts for their videos.
No band does their own video. I mean really.
Really, some bands do. I mean, really. Really. Look at a band like Tool, for example. I'm no big fan of Tool at all, but they are an example of a band who make their own videos. This is because they consider the videos to be part of the art, not just a piece of commercial imagery to accompany the song on MTV. You'd EXPECT a deeply arty band like Radiohead - a band quite obviously just as pretentious as Tool - to be concerned enough about their product such that they'd take a similar view and be equally protective over their artwork. Instead they use the medium of video to concoct and trump up yet another grand publicity scheme.

Originally Posted by dac
Oh because every band does their own music videos right? C'mon. 90% bands out there outsource the ideas for the videos anyways.
Yes. 90% or even more than 90% of bands. Most of those artists are mainstream commercial corporate pop acts who are controlled and regulated by the industry. They don't have a say in things like videos (or much else for that matter), and are not the sort to care either. The point is, Radiohead are not supposed to be among that '90% of bands'. They're supposed to be this really ultra hyper arty farty art/prog/indie/experimental/electronic rock band who take insane amounts of pride in their work and who virtually have total control over their entire product.

And also, if radiohead let ME do their video, your damn right i would tell everyone and be super stoked. it's actually building their fan base. you should probably look into music business 101.
None of you get the real point, though. I don't care about the marketing, the publicity, whatever. Who cares. I'm not one of those music fans that watches videos on MTV or whatever. If I watch a music video, then I'm expecting to be watching a product of the band, that is to say, a product emanating from the band's own conceptual design and thought. I've got absolutely no interest in what a few snotty-nosed fans think will be a good video. Far as I'm concerned, getting the fans to make a video is not much different to asking them to make the music: equally absurd, equally ludicrous.

Originally Posted by blue
I'm curious, if you don't like Radiohead, why do you come in the thread?
I do like Radiohead. I've been listening to them probably way longer than you have. What I don't like is silly publicity stunts, and Radiohead are champion at those lately.
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