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Old 04-10-2005, 07:44 PM   #204 (permalink)
hookers with machineguns
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2004
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the only consequence the anarchists would experience in that kind of a wild fantasty situation is death, famine, and total chaos. There's obviously many areas where government should have no jurisdiction. But the important ones, like public services (which would require taxation, i dunno where you get off thinking we could do without it), food and land distribution, health care, commerce, defense- you still think we can do without regulation in those areas? You have to realize that eventually there would be a group that would come into power, and it would happen all over again. Millions and millions of humans are simply biologically incapable of living together in harmony, respecting each other's well being, without some written boundaries. If I wanted to take your land, I'd go in there and shoot you and have your land. If someone else wanted it, they'd come in and shoot me. And so on. If by anarchy working, you mean living in chaos and vulnerability, then by all means go ahead.
it's a bit more complicated than just "ooh anarchy! punk rock! sex pistols! yey!"
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