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Old 12-05-2008, 05:41 PM   #129 (permalink)
cardboard adolescent
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What is a perfect society? What does it mean for our species to advance? For either of those concepts to make sense you already need a definition of morality, and so you can't get that morality from the idea of a perfect society. The point for God is the exact same though! What is a perfect being? Morality leads you to the idea of a perfect being, rather than the other way around. In your case, since you've rejected the idea of a perfect being, it instead leads to a perfect entity, society. So you're again stuck in a closed loop, morality is justified because it brings us closer to a perfect society, but what a perfect society is is defined by morality. But I've just shown that God puts us in the same closed loop, so what gives? To get out, you have to assume a God who sits outside the circle. But how do you get morality from this God? That's the wrong question to be asking, because you don't get morality from God, you get God from morality. If there is no God, there is nothing "higher" than the individual human being. Even society, which is just an abstraction, is something which can only exist in the individual human mind, and has no way of being higher than him. As an abstraction, God plays the same role as society, but the difference is that God is taken to actually exist, in a form "higher" than that of the human being.
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