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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 12-07-2008, 09:39 AM   #269 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
I never suggested anywhere he had sex with anyone. Regardless of what he may or may not have done you don't seem to realise some people are appalled at his behaviour and don't want to separate the man from the music. And if people want to do that then it's entirely up to them. And if they want to make comments in here they're more than welcome to. There are a lot of people who DO like his music but cannot bring themselves to listen to it anymore and they have just as much right to comment as anybody.

I've never banned one person because of a difference of opinion and as far as I am aware neither have any other mods and I find it such a cop out when people use this argument against us. People get banned for being abusive not because they have a differing opinion.

And more credit for you for doing so, If there were more people like you my job would be easier.

I'm not bringing them up , i'm just commenting on what's already here just as you are.
Just because you disagree with it doesn't make it immature crap

Like I said , i'm just commenting on what's already here. This isn't a Jackson fansite and plenty of other threads discuss other aspects of artists life other than music. That doesn't make them wrong. If an artist chooses to seek publicity constantly then expect people to comment on it.

I do realise that and I understand thats why people find it hard to listen to his music BUT like I said, His been singing since he was 5 and how he acts nobody cant change AND also alot of folks need to stop being judgmental but this goes for any celebrity. Your not with them 24/7 to make some assement BUT your ultimately going to think what you want to think.

All the mess and legal problems in the past with Jackson is not changing either, so why spend 7 pages trying to talk about the obvious? For what. We know the man has issues thats not the original point of the thread. Its about his music and his talent which still and always will be relevant regardless of all the mess his been into.

Its nothing wrong with talking about his personal life but its immature when you constantly come into the thread and hold that against his music.

I accept critiscism and understand everybody is not going to like the same thing you like but some of you people need to grow up and it has nothing to do with the biased Michael Jackson opinions. You can think whatever you want to think about his music or him but how some of you carry it is ridiculous.

We know some of you don't like him.
We know some of you don't like his music.
We know some of you think his overrated.
We know some of you only hold his older work more.
Why constantly come into the thread and make comments that everyone already knows where you stand at? Why come into the thread and bash people that enjoy Michael Jackson's music and I'm NOT talking specifically to YOU with half of this post because you seem to act like alot of your people don't carry like that when they do. Why come into the thread if your not interested in Jackson and just want to start drama.. its tired.

Let the people that appreaciate Jackson's MUSIC have some real music discussions and not all the drama thats all I'm saying. I'm not trying to change your opinion and I've already accepted how you feel, some of you people just need to accept other peoples opinion period.
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