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Thread: Your Day
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Old 12-10-2008, 08:05 AM   #8002 (permalink)
Shawn of the Dead
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Canada
Posts: 7

Woke up in a bad mood this morning, last night i had agreed to deliver a gift basket to a family. My buddies mom works with a gal whose husband was laid off of work a couple weeks ago and is having a difficult time finding a new job. So my buddies mom and a few people around their office wanted to do something nice and put together a gift bastket, it had sealed food and gift cards to various stores. I was asked to deliver said basket as they wanted to reman anonymous, i agreed(had video tape to return anyways). So i get there and ring the door bell the husband answered it I asked if this was the right residence and he flips out. He starts to shove me around asking me who i was, what i wanted etc. I tell him i'm only here to deliver this gift basket and he pushes me a final time yelling that he doesn't need my charity. That final push knocked me right off the step and on my ass(tried to break my fall with my hands) dropped the basket and i began to laugh(just my luck i'd be in this situation). He's telling me to **** off, so I stood up gathered the items that had fallen from the basket, thrrew the damn basket at him and flipped him the finger as I said have a merry ****ing christmas. Get home and the palm of my hands are all ripped up(there goes my love life, ha) and my ass hurts. Needless to say i just wanted to stay in my warm comfy bed.
And there will your heart be also.
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