Music Banter - View Single Post - No, it is you that is wrong (Israeli-Palestinian Conflict)
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Old 12-29-2008, 11:56 AM   #11 (permalink)
Reformed Jackass
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Israel's government isn't remotely stable. Getting along IS the only solution; if killing each other back and fourth would've solved anything there'd be a resolution by now. Unfortunately it would take generations and generations of peace agreements to get anywhere but mine as well start sometime soon or. I don't agree with him though that this is all Israel's fault seeing as every single country in that region wants them dead (Good job British/French, grouping people with no regard to their history, religious preferences or ethnicity was a GENIUS move.) However I do find it hard to sympathize with Israel completely. You're stupid if you think you can usurp a country and then live happily ever after there.
I'm not defending Israel or saying I think killing each other is the solution. In fact I'm saying just about everything you are.

The problem here is the violence is completely self-perpetuating and someone needs to just stop. Israel has stronger allies, but when they pull shit like this they're not doing themselves any favors. They have sympathizers but if they keep it up with this constant escalation and indiscriminate killing they're just going to lose those supporters and when that happens (and it will) they'll have no one to blame but themselves. I'm not even going to go into whether or not these attacks are justified or who started what but all they're doing is unifying Palestinians around Hamas. So much for Blair and Bush's democratic peace theory but I don't feel like getting into what right Israel has to attack a democratically elected government.
That democratically elected government also runs a terrorist organization on the side. But yeah, it's all a crapshoot, both sides are at fault and the only way there's ever gonna be peace is if everyone just decides to get along.

I don't think there's ever going to be peace there (referring to Jerusalem specifically.) Christianity, Judaism and Islam all started there. So if there is a god, good job! I'm sure you'll find out who loves you the most at this rate. That city is a cancer on the world and it's sickening to think that an ancient city and a bunch of old pieces of fiction are the cause of all this.
Well it is a great party town. Not quite Tel Aviv, but close.
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