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Old 01-06-2009, 02:46 PM   #116 (permalink)
down the rabbit hole
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: the mountain called monkey
Posts: 764

Originally Posted by anticipation View Post
actually, i dont see what's wrong with elitism here. it's a voluntary club, no one is being forced into anything.

if you aren't smart enough, or your aren't interested only because it'll make you think, then fuck off.
i think it has less to do with being smart enough, or not wanting to think, and more to do with not wanting to kill a good idea before it even begins.

if you assign these unbelievably complex books to an amateur book club that is mostly comprised of teenagers who think they can understand books way above their heads, your just gonna scare people off and its gonna fall apart.

now i know you think you, and maybe even some other people on here, are of superior intellegence (everyones internet iq is 140+ right?), but truth be told numbers dont lie. given that more than 75% of the population cant even approach those books you think a small group of music fans are going to have members signing up left and right? lets take the active MB posters and try and deduce how many posters on MB are likely to be competant enough to read and understand these masterworks and will be willing to dedicate the time. i will be very very generous with the numbers in favor of your arguement.

100 active MB posters
1/4 of which are interested
1/4 of which have a high enough iq to read\understand the books
1/2 will just quit because they got other **** going on

so even just considering those few variables, and putting the numbers in your favor, your talking about approximately 3 people. you can dispute it all you want, but its just gonna fall apart if you do it that way.
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