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Old 02-09-2009, 10:15 PM   #95 (permalink)
The Robot Hunter
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My take on homosexuality in a nutshell as a (hopefully non-ignorant or bigoted) Christian:
The act of sex between two people of the same sex is a sin because God created marriage as a bond between two people of the opposite sex. Pre-marital sex of any kind is a sin and since I don't believe God would honor a same-sex marriage I view sex between two homosexuals as a sin.
But the fact that it is a sin doesn't and shouldn't matter to me as far as how I view a person goes. Sin is sin and I know every Christian lives in their own particular one so it is not Christ-like in any way to treat someone poorly because they are not committing an "acceptable" sin. There's no reason that a homosexual can't be saved just as there's no reason why a minister who's addicted to pornography or internet gambling can't be saved.
I don't see homosexuality as a problem to be fixed because being a homosexual is different than the act of homosexuality (the act of sex, as opposed to the commitment to another person of your same sex). I see the conundrum of this but I know that people are born homosexual. And I know the question is then "Why would God create homosexuals then?" And I have no idea. But I do know that I have no problems being friends with a homosexual and don't have any more preconceived notions about them than anyone would have preconceived notions about me as a straight man.
I support *** marriage as a political policy because even though I believe it's wrong I believe that it is not the place of the government to decide this and moreover, I think it is stupid to prevent the commitment of two people in an exclusive relationship; The world needs more commitment between people in general. And Christianity (as a religion) needs more commitment to partnering with the homosexual community to repair some of the rifts that have occurred as a result of bigots who veil their hate for another person in religion.
Okay, that wasn't really nutshell-like was it? So I'll be more concise: Basically Christianity isn't supposed to be about policies. It's supposed to be about being Jesus to a world that needs a lot more love and peace, and my view is that if Jesus were posed with a question about homosexuality He would say that all have fallen short of the grace of God and the only thing that matters is coming back to a relationship with the Father through Jesus.
As far as I can tell that's what a Christ-like take on homosexuality is supposed to be. And of course I'm not here to tell anyone how to feel or think, I just thought I'd give my take on the situation as a Christian.

Aside: why is gay considered a "bad word" by MB?
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