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Old 04-25-2005, 04:36 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by theman78370
to adidass and other idiots alike......."age is just a number"...... well damn son! i'm only f#cking 19, and you show the music appreciation of a g#d-damn rock on the side of a road! I like mu-metal bands like slipknot and lamb of god, but i also think mettalica is the greatest f*cking metal band ever. You criticize mettalica for the movie "Some kind of Monster" but i thought it was pretty damn nice to see the inner workings and thoughts of these pioneers of metal. and worst yet, you didn't do much in critquing mettalica's music itself. i'm not gonna go into all the misinformation you typed, cause everybody else here has spent the whole time correcting your stupid self. oh yeah, how is selling f#cking albums being corporate? i'm not too sure, but isn't that what ALL bands do? .....thanx for the laugh....i simply love it when ignorant peole open their mouths.....!
i bet you listen to iron maiden too...ha ha far as not critiquing the music, i don't like it and don't think it's badass me badass music would be RATM ,ATDI and System of a down...and anyone who listens to Metallica are in fact pussies...HA HA...up yours boy!grow some facial hair biatch!
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