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Old 04-25-2005, 10:26 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IMATOOL
And as for what I personally like, yes to fast yes to heavy, but most important to me is LYRICAL CONTEMT! Above all else to me it’s the word that count
Oh, brother preteen? You would never be able guess my age.

For one thing, No, I wouldn't be able to guess your age, im not a circus sideshow attraction. Secondly, you don't listen to anything more lyric savy than either artist given a nod in my name. I don't know why You'd bother. You come out wishing bands you don't like would die in a plane crash, then you want to come off as more intellectual. Im not Urban Hatemonger, but if I was I'd go back and dig up every assanine post you've ever made and point out how half the bands listed probably wrote their lyrics with crayon.

And Ill use the same argument people have used for everything for the last 25 years; Im sure theres alot of "pussy" Metallica fans who'd put your head through a wall. Put your internet balls away and "grow some facial hair"
I've moved to a new address
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