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Old 02-20-2009, 09:15 AM   #97 (permalink)
thequietlife's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Chitown
Posts: 34

Because I am bored, I will also join in the 25-random-facts-ness.

1. I've been to Japan 5 times. One of those times was to study abroad. It's the only foreign country I've ever visited.
2. I majored in Graphic Design, but I don't think that's what I want to do with my life. I honestly have no clue what I want to do.
3. I have two jobs: one in an office, and one in retail. I like the one in retail better (I work in a cafe in a bookstore), but I'm glad I have the other job, so I'm not doing retail ALL the time.
4. I'm 23 and still live at home. It sucks.
5. I am a cat person. Unfortunately, I'll probably end up one of those crazy cat ladies with 10 cats and no husband.
6. I hate New Jersey, and desperately want to move somewhere else, preferably NOT on the east coast.
7. People seem to like me, but I honestly don't know why, because I think I'm pretty boring, lol
8. I'm always in a bad mood when it's cloudy/rainy.
9. I like to help people. I especially like to help people find things.
10. In high school, I played in every band there was: concert band, marching band, jazz band, pit orchestra, honors band, etc, etc. I played clarinet and sax. And I haven't played since high school, so now I probably suck.
11. I started college as an English major, but they made us read crappy books, so it made me hate reading. I've since recovered, and I love reading again.
12. My favorite movies are The Princess Bride and The Karate Kid.
13. I spent years of my life listening to Japanese pop music, and nothing else. I feel like I missed out on a lot of great stuff I could have been listening to, and that I've just now, within the last year, discovered good music.
14. I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar and piano, but never have.
15. I don't particularly like traveling (hassle at the airports, living out of suitcases, etc), but there are a ton of places I'd like to visit, including places within the US and places in foreign countries.
16. I really like sci-fi and fantasy. Though, if it's sci-fi, I prefer the science-based stuff to the outer space-based stuff. Not real big on the space.
17. I don't like parties.
18. I very much enjoy the TV show Ghost Hunters.
19. I've been an atheist since before I knew what the word meant.
20. I've never gotten drunk enough to vomit.
21. I can swing dance. (Though I haven't done it in a couple years, so I've probably lost some skill.)
22. My dreams are usually extremely strange.
23. Cologne and perfume make me nauseous. Especially on long car rides. It's why my brother gave me face masks for Christmas. lol
24. The only sport I like is baseball.
25. I don't buy CDs because I have nowhere to put them. If I buy music, it's on iTunes.
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