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Old 02-20-2009, 12:37 PM   #99 (permalink)
daddy don't
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: the Wastes
Posts: 2,577

1. I only have 50+ years to live if cancer or an accident doesn't get me.
2. I currently live in north norfolk UK with my parents and six non-humans. Including my sister who is a super genius and will be an astronomer. Norfolk was previously fenland drained by the Dutch in the 16th century, and thank christ it'll be the first place to drown when sea levels rise
3. This time next year I will either be back in higher education or living in an anarchist commune in East London (true stories).
4. I am a card-carrying socialist but my card is invisible and as big as a house. The Worker's Club is now home to an old man in a rocking chair who talks to spiders.
5. I am opaque.
6. The band in my sig is not mine but my musical soulmate's band who are based a long way from here, it is just a glorious coincidence that I love them more than any contemporary band, signed or unsigned. I support them and write bits of press for them. Oh and we all hate capitalism, hooray!
7. I don't like vertical power structures.
8. I have difficulty separating the personal and political and I fail at heated debate (very easily wound-up, my blood boils and start forgetting what my views are, seriously, I hope it's low blood pressure or something) but I stick to my guns because i'm right.
9. I have poor (mainly short term) memory which I attribute to medication and a very druggy period.
10. For people that don't already know Bulldog is my younger brother, I said if he was going to join up not to tell anyone but he blabbed to Jackhammer so I beat him with reeds.
11. This feels really stupid but I don't think I'm giving too much away. Yet.
12. My first proper school was an all-girls, I was one of four boys attending just before they phased them out. So i'm a f*cking wuss and i prefer tea and cock to beer and pussy
13. I was educated in both the private sector (not the Oxbridge politician-factories exactly but expensive enough and with their fair share of rich twats) and the state sector intermittently; my parents went bankrupt 4 years ago. Go figure.
14. I am bisexual and was the subject of a BBC documentary about my 3-foot penis.
15. I consider myself genetically Polish (3 grandparents), one of whom escaped prison camps 3 times and walked to Italy to fight at the Battle of Monte Cassino. I have not inherited his brass balls. My paternal grandparents escaped the Nazi invasion through North Africa, up through France, and crossed the English channel in a dinghy, where my grandad joined the RAF. Two totally unpraised air regiments (the Poles and the one set aside for African-Americans) had the highest kill rate in the war, true speak.
16. I am really prone to mood swings for reasons I don't wish to elaborate upon; so sorry if I have been uncharacteristically rude to anyone on here in the past, though you were probably asking for it like a bellend.
17. Like iksokept I am really quite lazy, but I celebrate idleness (as should you)... It's actually more apathy to be honest.
18. Unlike adidasss I have worked, but only a tiny bit. I am 23, have had 5 jobs, 3 of which did not last more than a fortnight. Needless to say I embellish my CV alot. (Sorry Americans, RESUME)
19. All this forum business feels vaguely ridiculous sometimes, I think broadband abuse is probably un-natural and we make eachother feel guilty and unsociable for it, but I don't have any friends in the immediate vicinity so there's probably no harm in stimulating chat. I've also learned quite alot since joining a year ago and met some well-informed, lovely people (assuming they aren't actually robots or aliens).
20. I haven't had a job since August and I've hardly left the house except to walk the dog, stab up prostitutes and tour with my band Radiohead.
21. Always had terrible dietary habits and I often forget to eat for an entire day or more, this balances out with my lack of vigorous exercise to make me a loveable, doughy individual with a psychotic gleam in my eye.
22. Yeah I do suffer from anxiety actually, and I get nauseous in large crowded spaces often, that's only developed the last couple of years.
23. I was thinking about doing this the other day and what I could write that was interesting/humorous, and I came up with some corkers but since forgot them all.
24. The non-humans referred to in fun fakt #2 are four cats and a black French Briard Briard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I have a round bite-mark scar on my upper arm from him and he also destroyed my favourite t-shirt in 2003 (mars volta, black, red lettering, rats/possums or something). I was wearing it at the time.
25. I am a clean freak and have been berated for cleaning up other people's houses when on visits, especially when intoxicated.

After reading this back it looks like I might be a minor hypochondriac...

[SIZE="1"]Eff em
tumble her

Last edited by Molecules; 02-20-2009 at 12:46 PM. Reason: if you're reading this you are a communist
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