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Old 02-20-2009, 05:36 PM   #7 (permalink)
Fish in the percolator!
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Hobbit Land NZ
Posts: 2,870

1. I've never owned a pair of jeans. I plan to change that in the near future.
2. Despite the fact I'm a programmer (meaning maths is my bible), my other real passion is languages. I've studied French and Latin, and I'm learning Russian at the moment.
3. In high school I won awards in French speaking competitions and an examiner native to France couldn't believe I hadn't lived there before.
4. I hate offending people. And so while my sense of humour can often be quite dark/sarcastic, I'm too nice to express it usually.
5. I try to remember everything and I feel as if I'm failing myself when I forget things. Makes it annoying when I'm watching a show or reading a book and I try to absorb every detail as if I were studying it.
6. Nostalgia tortures me.
7. I don't have an easily discernible accent - my original Australian accent and the NZ influence have sort of nullified each other.
8. I'm often content to be alone. Having said that, I wouldn't say I'm anti-social - I simply don't make much of an effort to entertain others.
9. I'm a laughably bad artist.
10. I used to undercut the canteen by selling coca cola and sweets at high school. My brother carried on my legacy after I left.
11. It has always been a bit of a running joke that I'm Jewish in my ways whether it's schoolmates who would jestingly call me Jewish for my business activities, financial frugality or appearance at various points in time, or older people who would sincerely ask if I am Jewish. My best mate's grandmother would always ask him "Where's the Jewish boy?". Icing on the cake.
12. I believe I have breathing problems caused by having a sunken chest. While the doctors agree, they don't think it's serious enough to warrant surgery.
13. I once had a bit of a nets session with an old-time cricketer who knew Terry Jenner (Shane Warne's spin coach), and he said that I had more potential as a wrist spinner than anyone he'd seen in 20 years.
14. I'm short (about 160 cm).
15. I was a bit of a pyromaniac as a kid - I'd build these elaborate huts out of fence pailings and set them on fire.
16. I can be pretty damn indecisive at times.
17. When I was a kid, I would study of my own volition... my parents became worried because I would skip dinner and study right through it.
18. I honestly can't remember the last time I was truly angry. It's as if I've forgotten how, or I just don't have the energy.
19. I don't wear a watch because it feels like too much of an impediment when I'd prefer to be jewellery/bling free. It was a long time before I was able to force myself to wear even a lightweight chain necklace. Mind you, ever since I bought one in Australia three years ago, I've worn it every day.
20. I have a black belt in karate... too bad karate is rather useless on the scale of things.
21. I've never understood racism. I'm certainly not PC or prudish so I have no problem with facetiousness regarding racial stereotypes etc. But racism just doesn't compute.
22. Despite working since I was 14, I'm still a lazy bastard.
23. I had a strong link with my old cat. Just by looking at her, she knew what I was trying to communicate whether I was beckoning her, indicating something across the room, warning her not to do something, or telling her to go outside. Sadly she died a couple of years ago and while our new cat is cool, he has no sense of communication.
24. With its large population of attractive Asian girls, I think Auckland is the place for me to be.
25. I should be working at the moment.
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