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Old 03-01-2009, 10:35 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Default fox shmox

If i may, the foreign press look at us pretty hard i like the International Herald Tribune for staight forward stuff, hard to slant print,( that sounded naive) i mean music intros and code words to the "keep tuned in " press, i can read a hundred stories on line and guess what, they do get repeated, just by different journalists ? agency's,.. anyways (like i actually know anything) it's kinda like confirmation on the stories, Besides what the box is here to do is avert our attention from knowing what the real deal is and i'll tell ya'.....
it's not as bad as they want us to fear, it 's not a warzone out here, you don't have to tune in at 7 to find out what to fear next, just meet your neighbors, form relationships, trade in hope and serve someone every once in awhile, oh yeah... not everyone hates us, never believe that. the real work is done outside the media coverage and real change happens there. The left, the right and the middle wont come and help you or me look for our kids on a saturday night, and after the kid is born and until the kid can vote the child becomes the group to ignore and screw on a regular basis. If it weren't so no child would really get left behind. and that is where the real change must take place in the communities, where it's been understood for all time that it does take a village to raise a child( Hindu/Budist) and you cant preach in your own backyard( Christian) but the left , right and middle just want us scared and in our box watching our boxes scared to let our children onto the street, don't buy it. Fox news doesn't want you to know your neighbor, they want you to think it's a pedifile. Maybe if we spent more time outside we'd know when a home is being used illeagally in our own neighborhoods. what differance does a National news coverage really make, in most case it's just about the next "octomom", american tragedy and it's rarely any where near any one whom it may affect. It's just public opinion, at its worst. sorry that got very dark at the end, i think most of this is aimed at myself and was cathartic in nature, please don't be offended if you watch these shows, i do when i'm not in charge of the remote,i.e. bars, airports, friggen circle k now with the cnn on. ( hands in head) I'm such a hypocrite. I let myself get swayed so much i really find it hard to figure out my own stuff... i'm pissed, bitter, scared too. I've been conditioned on the media teat for as long as i can remember... and re-runs become our history. To be taken witha large grain of salt. whatever that means.
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