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Old 03-02-2009, 02:52 PM   #19 (permalink)
Inuzuka Skysword
Existential Egoist
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Oh Jesus Christ. How didn't we have one at one point? Because the government taxed? Anyway this notion that all this happened because the government favored the rich is absurd. A laissez-faire economic system favors the rich. It naturally creates a large underclass, monopolies and a nepotistic hierarchical society.
The laissez-faire system can't favor anybody because no one is doing anything extra for anybody. Think about what "favoring" is for a second. One group of people does benefit under laissez-faire, but to say that the underclass is stuck in the underclass is just another Marxist myth. Monopolies are created by government intervention. You claim that capitalism is something that will halt productivity and such, yet all the areas in history where the economy was more capitalist lead to prosperous times. The Renaissance, Industrial Revolution, and the times of the Robber Barons/Captains of Industry. More innovation and such occurred during these times. The government intervention is what lead to people experiencing all the trouble. Labor unions were banned at one point in American history. Technically, the businessmen who proposed this were not wrong at all though because anti-trust laws were forced upon them.

Now let's look at the communities who exhibited socialist characteristics. You have all of those utopias, USSR, and all the other communist countries. To be fair, none of them did socialism quite right either, except for the utopias. What did all of this lead to? The utopias fell apart, the USSR collapsed, and the only real successful communist country, China, became a powerhouse when it opened up the market. However, the government control that was required to create the country it is today violates tons of other rights that the people have. The reason socialism doesn't work is because it creates an artificial price for work that doesn't actually exist and in turn people aren't able to benefit individually for their own work. What incentive can they possibly have? The only incentive is the altruist morality that we are all slaves to each other. Brainwashing is the only way socialism will ever work in a large country whether it be with religion or with altruism.

I certainly don't believe in any of that Social Darwinism stuff or anything like it, which is why I support capitalism. I don't believe material such as money, houses, or cars are going to bring me to happiness. Happiness is found in putting my best work and reaping the true achievement of that work, whether that be money, cars, or such. What the left says is that no one can be happy without a little bit of money so we have to let everyone start off at the same base. In turn, the businessmen in society have a weird situation because their product is raped from them. Happiness is such a drive though that they feel that coercing those who (they believe) coerce them, the middle/lower class, is going to allow them to achieve what they want. They are merely defending their very goal of existence by doing this and I do not criticize them for it. However, they are still trying to achieve something by not putting the true work into doing it though, so I do not approve of their means.
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