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Old 03-04-2009, 10:38 AM   #152 (permalink)
Yukon Cornelius
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Originally Posted by 7gaugejames View Post
Do you enjoy your 40 hour workweek, it used to be;".. work till we tell you, or else". How about child labor laws, overtime pay, paid sick leave, maternity leave, workers advocacy, employer obligation to re- hire those called to service, e-verification of legal residents for right to work, Grieving pay and leave for spouses, pensions, (not 401k's, mind you) how about equal pay no matter what the sex of the employee, race or creed, medical benfits that actually benefit someone besides the employer, like any of those things, or do you have someone in your family who takes advantage of any of those things, Thank a union activist. Not to mention, the American Decleration of Independence was signed in union hall (carpenters hall, Philly) that most countries want thier states to be unionized, by that I mean, working together for the common good, under one set of uniformed guidelines, forgoing self in the intrest of others, yet flexible enough to change with the needs of the rank and file. Firemen are unionized, police, nurses, ask a teacher how bad they get screwed from their weak union, why's it weak... really cant ignore the children, but ask that same teacher if they'd be better off without collective bargaining. Ask that same teacher when she's got her Phd and is off to teach at university, gets tenure. it's hard at first but they get there, why unions, same reason people care about your safety, And that brings me around to paid training, travel re-imbursements, and tax deductions for work related items anyone buys. Just to name a few, and i mean few, there are many more things that unions have done, and are doing, to better the lives of the worker, not just here world wide. You mentioned a couple foriegn auto makers have decent pay and benefit packages and resonable retirement pensions, yet you fale to mention that Japanese industry has been supported by it's government since the end WWII. They had to. Amarican big 3 as you like to call them, which is fuc#ing retarded, the big 3 are Wal-mart, Phizer, and Proctor Gamble. They employ vast numbers of people through vast areas of industry and make vast revenue for share holders, calling our biggest auto companies the big three in America is akin to saying the three biggest states in America are Los Angeles, New York and Dallas. So as you lace up your nikes today Youkon and go for a run in your fantasy land, say high to the unicorns for me and remember, some times it is better to keep your opinions to yourself and be thought a fool rather than voicing them and erasing any doubt.
Agreed but how often do you see fireman, Police, Teachers, ect out in the streets with threats of quiting if these certian guidlines are not met. Is it your fault or anyone elses that these people feel so under paid or lacking in benifits did anyone make them take that job. This is a free country and if you are not satisfied go get another f-ing job dont stress a company beyond belife because someone makes more that you. There job is manual labor there not teaching our youth or protecting our ppl or saving ppl falling out of the twin towers. Honestly there letting machines do most of the work for them. Piss cry moan what ever you want to do but dont dare put a car line worker in the same catagory as someone that might one day put you out of your twisted peice of crap car.
Attempting to find a cure for Stupid...
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