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Old 03-05-2009, 01:45 PM   #764 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Demonoid View Post
Weirdos corner

Unable to categorize any of this but it's worth a try! I've listened to it a fair few times now and have enjoyed my time in the weirdo's corner, Demonoid is not of this parallel. Plenty of 'wtf' and 'huh' moments initially but as with anything that solicits an extreme reaction the mystery unravels after time. I would say that you could broadly define the music within as avant-prog (and all that encompasses) utilizing a random grab-bag of stylistic influences making for the opposite of a boring compilation.

1. Renaldo And The Loaf - Lime Jelly Grass
Apparently signed to the Residents' Ralph Label, it sounds like them aswell.
2. John greaves & peter blegvad - Pipeline
Weird proggy swing. Let's count how many times I can say 'weird' in this analysis.
3. Koenjihyakkei - Rattims Friezz
Ah, the comparison of this Japanese group to Magma is well-earned, they remind me a lot of Frank Zappa's weirder jazz-classical detours aswell, good stuff!
4. Höyry kone - Huono Parturi
I had to dig to find out they were Finnish. Strangely appealing, Magma-esque (but better) mixture of opera-tenor singing and progressive rock. Apart from the time sigs and tangential drumming I am starting to form a concrete template of 'weird', but not being musical couldn't tell you what that is. Is it using lots of flat and sharp notes and deviating from traditional modes?
5. Diablo Swing Orchestra - Poetic Pitbull Revolutions
Black metal with Mexican (genre definition anybody?) horns, not bad, I don't usually go in for apocalyptic melodrama but this is more than bearable.
6. Alamaailman Vasarat - Kyyhylly
Really loud, menacing contemporary Eastern European music, I was waiting for the metal guitars to kick in but they never came. I think the sinister edge came from the rock rhythm section underpinning otherwise traditional instruments. Why are they so angry?!!?
7. Etron Fou Leloublan - Christine
I have been trying to pigeon-hole this without looking to the internet for guidance, and it's not really possible. It's just post-punk era experimental madness, quite in tune with the goth-y music of the time with the rhythm section in some passages. I swear there should be an avant-garde albums chart for all these lunatics?
8. God - Fucked
This track continues to just scare me, I could never imagine having stuff like this on my iPod tbh, everything about it is confrontational. Doom, industrial, avant-metal, these are not friendly musics... Oh and another rule of weird would have to be throwing a horn section into arrangements you wouldn't normally associate them with. It's worked well on all these songs
9. Yat-Kha - Irik Chuduk
I have been looking for some Mongolian throat singer music for a while, what genius that somebody decided to make one a frontman for their band. Classic example of taking something old and making it new, without pissing on a noble tradition
10. The Caretaker - cloudy, since you went away
The first Caretaker albums are inspired by the ballroom scene from the Shining, it says, so I checked him out on wiki and whaddya know all his sh*t is available for free download! Loving this track especially, as it is just like an old waltz record as played through the Gramophone of the Dead. His other stuff is mostly darkly ambient crackly stuff, I like this especially as I am a fan of hauntology

has nobody else been listening to this? Wise up you slovenly posters!

[SIZE="1"]Eff em
tumble her

Last edited by Molecules; 03-05-2009 at 01:51 PM.
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