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Old 03-06-2004, 08:12 AM   #17 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 201

Originally Posted by brokenheartsandfallenhero
To banonbush; how do you find classical to be anything but confusing when it comes to emotions I mean you cant tell if the music is intense because they just got burned by a girl or if they are pissed because their rents due and i dont know if you have actually ever listened to the words in good emo songs or not but it is deep (ex The closest thing by The Juliana Theory) and further more if somebody is actually emo the last thing they would ever do is rip off somebody elses stlye/emotions. And lastly and most importantly what kind of ridiculous comment is "lyrical content doesn't make music sound any better" Pal if this was true then there would be no different genres of music so please gain some knowledge on an issue before trashing it!!!!!!!
First, who said anything about confusing? I don't know where you pulled that from (nor do I want to know) but you don't have to be able to know what emotion was fealt, jus that there is in fact emotion there. Duh. Secondly, no, the words are not deep. I give you that some bands do come up with very artistic ways to express their feelings, but that is not the case for the majority of the genre. Next, the middle of your post is just gabbering filler, so I won't say anythign to that. And finally, if you think lyrical content deems music into its genres, then you shouldn't be listening to music. I could play some punk song (or whatever other genre you wish) and in one version sing about killing the president, and then the next time sing about going to the bar. Just because I change what the song is about, doesn't mean I changed the song/genre. If you were to take the words out of all music, you could still classify all of it correctly because of one thing, it being my major point. Lyrics have nothing to do with the genre of MUSIC. It is in fact the MUSIC that deviates what kind of MUSIC it really is.
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