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Old 03-10-2009, 04:50 PM   #12 (permalink)
Inuzuka Skysword
Existential Egoist
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 1,468

"Religion is the primitive form of philosophy", Ayn Rand once said (though I am sure it has been used elsewhere.) Islamic totalitarianism, Christian totalitarianism, and a totalitarianism based on altruism (though not a religion) will all lead to the same destination, destruction. The Middle East probably the most terrifying examples of religion in government. To say that religion is not the cause would be false. However, to say all religions are responsible for what one religion does is bigotry.

The main problem is how people view government and the respect for life (not in a "pro-life" sense.) I see no difference between religious people trying to force their morals on me and the people who say that I must give my hard-earned money to other people based on another irrational morality. Actually there is one difference. The altruists at least don't believe in a morality that says, "It is right because God says so..."
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