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Old 03-10-2009, 10:09 PM   #18 (permalink)
Reformed Jackass
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Originally Posted by khfreek View Post
So authority shouldn't be questioned? Or are you just for anarchy
No, but your post, while right in principle, is ironic.

The only problem with that argument though is religion is to blame for many more bad events, especially in the Middle East.
Yes, but if you take religion out of the equation there's still just as much conflict and cruelty, religion has had a large part in stabilizing the world, if it had never existed the world wouldn't be any better off.

Yes, it was created by man and therefore human cruelty is ultimately to blame but religion is very it's own entity now. It doesn't accurately reflect humanistic and modern values; it reflects ancient values. So when racism, sexism, and all these sort of things are done by a society that is dominated by the teachings of a specific religion...then religion is to blame, not, human nature.
Fair enough, but you're still missing the point. If religion had never existed the world wouldn't be any better off, to pretend otherwise is just a cop out. Cruelty and discrimination would still exist in equal amounts, people would just have a different excuse or none at all.
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