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Old 03-17-2009, 07:46 AM   #17 (permalink)
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I love how whenever we talk about this topic people always cite the most bizarre form of things....

I'm completly against standing children up behind mules and having them get kicked repeatedly because they didn't clean their room...

You can't ban guns because some idiots use them incorrectly, or cars and alcohol because certain folks can't use those right either.

Without a superego in place, or rationale on which to debate, options need to be presented. Half of smacking a kid on his ass is showing a disappointment on behalf of the guardians.

I know most of you guys are teens, but I work in a rich snobby region of the world where the kids here have absolutly no discipline and cry any time they can't get the smallest thing. I watch parents cave on a regular basis or try psychobable in the supermarket to have their children stop crying. Crying because they wanted to use the key to open the can or sardines, having no idea whats inside.

"You're not making mommy feel very good right now...

Thats a good plan. Reason with the three year old. In that situation, hitting the child is unneeded. What you ought to do is take them out to the car and go home. I genuinely beleive that kids should be in grocery stores to begin with, or church, or movies. But thats just me.

However, saying theres never a reason is not something I agree with.
I've moved to a new address
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