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Old 03-17-2009, 03:11 PM   #35 (permalink)
Unrepentant Ass-Mod
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It's all about different parenting styles.

When I was a kid my family went around the house shouting all the time. I can't remember a single time when my family was quiet & at peace. So when it came time to deliver punishment my family weren't among the group of progressive families that practiced tolerance and acceptance , they just took a hand to my backside.

Thing is you learn real quick when yer being a twerp if your parents are willing to hit you. So when my parents decided to phase out their corporal punishment for my little sister she was able to freely act like she wanted. And every time I go home I catch her being disrespectful toward my mother, and they don't retaliate at all.

My father actually made a plywood paddle for me, I'm sure if I dug through my basement I could find it.
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