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Old 03-17-2009, 03:21 PM   #40 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I think by and large physical punishment is unacceptable. To me it seems like it's teaching kids that might makes right and that violence is a good way to resolve a conflict.
The lesson being learned is not a result of conflict between two peers who don't see eye to eye.
The lesson being learned is that there are consequences for negative actions. Kids who never learned that are the ones who're growing up to be violent and unruly.

I do agree that physical punishment is a last option, and I also believe that it should be proportional to the infraction, and NEVER done out of anger.

For example, I wouldn't spank a kid who intentionally broke his brother/sister's toy. I would take one of his toys away and explain why I did it.
If, however, the behavior continued regardless, then I would take things further... the last option being physical punishment.

The whole idea is that a child needs to know there are consequences. Some kids just get sent to their room for an hour. Meanwhile, they're playing a PSP and not feeling "punished" at all.
What kind of message is that sending to a child?
They're learning that they can do something wrong and the worst that will come of it is they'll be bored for a short period of time.

Spanking isn't violence when you don't do it out of anger.
You tell the child why he's getting spanked and after you do it, you tell the child you love him/her and help them understand that you don't like hurting him/her.
I know it works because that's how I was brought up.
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